domingo, 25 de outubro de 2009

O Movimento Artístico os Globalistas XXI

O Movimento Artístico os Globalistas, apareceu a Seis de abril de 2006 na cidade de Diadema - São Paulo, Brasil, quando o artista plástico Miguel Westerberg , Português se deparou pela primeira vez com as grandes dificuldades que os pintores da América do sul se confrontavam diariamente, para Exporem suas idéias dentro do campo das artes, fase ao resto do mundo.  A idéia do nome partiu como tentativa de fazer frente ao mundo corrompido da globalização, o movimento expressão mesmo que de diferentes maneiras e estilos uma só idéia dentro da uma arte a nível global.  A única diferença que existe neste movimento artístico face aos de mais movimentos antes existentes é que ele reúne diferentes estilos já existentes num só, tendo como objetivo: protestar contra o que a globalização provoca nos paises pouco desenvolvidos.

Deste modo o Movimento Artístico os Globalistas podem ser considerados como pro – globalização, tendo como instrumento ou arma principal a pintura e a escultura. O movimento em si esta em dois países: Brasil e Portugal, tendo uma maior numero de adesão no estado de São Paulo e em Lisboa. Vai para cerca de dois anos que o movimento compartilha e troca suas idéias face ao mundo da era da globalização, muito em especial por internet, criando blog ‘s e sites tanto em português como em inglês, com o propósito de mostrem pelo mundo algumas das suas obras e idéias. A idéia permanece e promete, já que este foi um dos primeiro movimento artístico que apareceu no principio do século XXI. Alguns de seus artistas: André Teles, Marcos Nakasone, Miguel Westerberg, Catarina Garcia, Vixl, João CARLOS, Anna Paula Veiga, Mendel, Douglas entre outros, fazem parte deste grande circulo artístico. 

O artista movesse no circulo do seu próprio tempo e lentamente absorve respostas vindas de um acaso que esta para alem de suas idéias ou ideais. A loucura das palavras aprece deste modo, quando na tentativa de descrever uma nova era, ela é nada mais que a força de um acaso predefinido. Deliberadamente cada pensamento que renasce é uma resposta plausível para outras interrogações. Chamasse talvez a isto destino. Mas se existe um acaso o destino em si o que é se não o principio de algo que estava para se cumprir mediante o tempo e ação provocada por tantos acasos. Não escolhemos as nossas idéias nem o nosso espaço ou o tempo, ele o tempo nos escolhe e danos uma vocação que acredito não ser incerta. Um gênio deste modo não se faz gênio, ele nasce gênio. Ele vive no seu tempo sem saber que as suas ações serão determinantes e transformarão o pensamento coletivo do seu tempo.  O destino aparece deste modo com a finalidade de moldar e dar continuidade a linha sucessiva de novas idéias.

Os globalistas sentem que tem a missão: denunciar ao mundo às desigualdades que a globalização provoca, nos mais desfavorecidos, já que estão inseridos no seu tempo e velam por ele, como guardiões e juizes. Para que um dia as gerações futuras tenham isto em mente, que na entrada do século XXI no meio do nada, a voz dos Globalistas surgiu para de novo fazer despertar Arte.


O Movimento Artístico os Globalistas


The first artistic movement of the XXI century - by miguel westerberg


The first artistic movement of the XXI century - artistic movements Global

When I am talking about global art, I don’t see it as an artificial mechanism to express form and colors. I see it as an important artifice to change the pre established patterns of social organization. The art left the delimitated individual vision of a person within his/ her environment and became global, breaking frontiers, because our single world became universal.

Lately, I have interrogated myself about the reason why, the plastic arts came into such rupture, and for this same reason, I tried to understand it, due to the constants abrupt changes that has happened on these last years and many of us not even has noticed we got into a new period of time, the era of globalization.

Many people can ask themselves what globalization have to art and I can assure you that, on my point of view it has a lot to it, after all, I am a plastic artist and along with some artists I have struggled a lot, inside and outside of me to understand the reason of this rupture that has been felt for such a long time.

It was like this that after struggling about this topic, I decided to give a name to this artistic movement. After thinking over carefully I named it GLOBALISM, because I believe this same name is going to fit into it perfectly; after all, there is something inside myself that tells me the contemporary era has come to an end and it happened in the end of the XX century.

Along with the end of this era, it comes another one, the era of the globalization. For many of the possible contemporaries this statement can sound ridiculous to their ears, because nobody wants to be left behind, I myself make part of this era, but I accept that the time of change is on the corner and it is necessary to believe in this new period of time.

I am aware that the world crosses one of its worse crises: to accept that, from now on, the globalization begins to get in front of all events and movements and the one who opposes to this will is also going to be left behind, because it’s the same of getting stuck in the past. There are times when we can take decisions and others we just can’t, because we are not owner of our own destiny.

The destiny has its metaphysic beginnings and it follows them, as well as each one follows a certain line of ideas, not even knowing that these same ideas are the continuity of the new ones that slowly are being produced. I believe in the destiny and I know that it is already a totality. The destiny of the nations, the destiny of the art for the art…, the destiny of each one of us when are interconnected. At this right time the humanity's destiny is being drawn, because if we look around us, obligatorily, we are forced to accept that the technology and the computer science arrived and along with it, a new period of time: the globalization era, that, from now on, it’s on everybody’s reach.

I am talking about the internete, because it is providing a totality for all and the plastic artists have to accompany this same progress, so that they can get their ideas across easily to be recognized at the same time they generate along with that more knowledge in a high cultural level to those ones who have never seen a masterpiece.

Through the globalization the Globalists will get into every one’s home, once the humanity, at the most of the time, doesn't have time to leave their hoses to see and live a little bit of what art can provide them.

Now, I invite all the artistic to join this movement to achieve one purpose: the popularization of the art for the art through internete, within a line that provides to the ones who have never had and give back to the ones who have lost the taste to really appreciate art.

I would like to make it clear that all the forms and kind of arts are welcome, because what really matters is the message each one of us, artist, has to transmit.


You are welcome to the XXI century, the era of globalization!

You are welcome to the GLOBALISTS movement.

Nowadays the world of the arts, including a big part of artists, feel like if they were out of the society. It was for this reason that, along with a small group of friends and artists, I decided to create an inclusive movement that would insert us into the “patterns” of society, at the same time that we are bringing them to our world…By the way, who is accepting who? I chose the name GLOBALISTS because, first of all, it’s a new word which has becoming, little by little, part of everybody’s vocabulary and this word alone embody, unify and, consequently, has the power of inclusion. The Globalist Artists have a great mission that has just started: they are in charge of taking a unification message to the whole word through their paintings and related subjects. Inside this blog you will find a great variety of different styles, what also brings a real sense to the world GLOBALIST. We don’t exclude any kind of art, no matter if it is a Naïf, Surrealist, Classical, Cubism, Abstract or any other one. Our purpose is to continue the ART BY ART, no matter what happen. I believe this movement will be hardly criticized sooner or later, because it is not common to join many style in this dispersive and selfish world that is always labeling and separating everything they judge GOOD or BAD, but for us, there aren’t good or bad artists, but only bad observers!!

Written by Miguel Westerberg
